Thursday, December 07, 2006

Pixelotto - Fizzling out?

I've been following Alex Tew's (created of the Million Dollar Homepage) latest idea... I must give this kid some credit. He has hit the jackpot with his first idea, scoring a cool 1 million dollars. Then he turns around and a launches a fairly successful follow-up.

Considering he has only been online for less than a week, and he has already raised close to $250,000 is pretty amazing. Though I can't help but notice there has been a bit of a slowdown lately in the number of pixels being sold. Seems like the hype is starting to fizzle on his new idea.

In his press release, Alex talks about how this new idea has the ability to be re-used over and over since it basically involves a contest to give away half the earnings. My only skepticism is regarding the advertisers. I'm not so sure they are going to get their money's worth out of this deal. The premise of the contest is that you generate chances for each site ad you click. You can click up to 10 a day. I'm seeing a bunch of folks clicking away but not ever actually looking at any of the sites they opened. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think after this first run, the advertisers may not renew. And if he tries a phase two, it may fizzle out...

But for now, I tip my hat to him. A quarter million in a few days is damn impressive. I can't wait to see his next idea.

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