Tuesday, November 07, 2006

A New Breed of Spammers - RepSavior

I've recently discovered a new breed of spammer hounding my site. They are a company called RepSavior (com). They sell their services to companies looking to clean their image up on the web. They claim to be able to knock any bad reviews of a company off the first page of results. They try to do this by spamming sites with praise and compliments for the companies. They also try when possible to throw a link in there as an added bonus.

I've been watching them on my site for the last few weeks and simply banning them as I find them. They are not very smart (yet) as they keep trying to post the same spammy comments for the same companies (their small list of clients I presume). They also don't cover their tracks very well, but I'm guessing they will get smarter. They've already started creating multiple id's (my system is an e-mail validation-based registration, so these posts are being done by an actual person).

Just a warning to those who moderate forums!

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