Friday, March 16, 2007

Paid Reviews: Payperpost, Blogsvertiser, ReviewMe and Creamaid...

Paid reviews are getting a lot of press lately. I thought I would share my take on it. Paid reviews are basically a new way for companies to get the word out on their products or services. Some services, like Payperpost, require the blogger to post a "positive review" (crap in my opinion), while others like ReviewMe don't promise any positive spin. The company is paying for publicity. The idea is that the blogger's post/review will get read by their fan base, as well as picked up by search engines, etc.

Speaking from my own personal opinion on the situation, as a blogger myself, I have been hesitant to sign-up for such services as I am not sure how I feel about being paid to write a review.

I know it makes sense that my time should be worth something, but I'm just not sure how my readers would feel if/when they know that I'm being paid by the company to review the company/product.

Even with the "unbias no positive review guarantee" clause like ReviewMe has, it still seems taboo in the blogosphere to be a paid lacky for some company.

Just my opinion. Don't get me wrong... I love the idea of making additional money reviewing products and sites, but I just have not been sold on the validity of the model yet.

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